Caetanie Tchagang is an M.Sc. student in Microbiology and Immunology with a specialization in Bioinformatics at the University of Ottawa, under the supervision of Dr. Thien-Fah Mah and Dr. François-Xavier Campbell-Valois. She holds two Bachelor degrees, one in Biotechnology COOP from College La Cité in Ottawa and the second in Mathematics from the University of Yaoundé I in Cameroon.
Research Interests
Lung colonization with Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) is associated with a worsening outcome for individuals living with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Several mechanisms pertaining to PA pathogenesis have been elucidated in monospecies analyses. However, PA persists within a complex microbiome in the CF lung and likely behaves differently in the in vivo environment. Using culturomics and metagenomics approaches, Caetanie aims to develop an in vitro CF microbiome-based assay to study PA-specific responses to a variety of conditions that might be encountered in vivo, including exposure to antibiotics. This microbiome-based assay will give a more accurate insight to decipher PA resilience in the CF lung.
Program Goals
- Broaden knowledge of the different technologies used to analyze and study the microbiota
- Enhance communication skills
- Expand professional network